BEK has extensive experience in the design and implementation of site investigation works to facilitate the assessment ground conditions. BEK supervise and implement ground investigation works in order to determine risks from ground contamination, to provide geotechnical assessments and to support the assessment of risks from coal mining.
We have experience across a wide variety of brown field sites including, but not limited to, gas works; petrol stations; former cotton mills; military bases and operational retail estates.

Many site investigations are often preceded by a preliminary risk assessment, which provides a review of all relevant background information, including previous and present contaminative uses, to provide a scope of works from which to carry out site investigation.
A wide range of field investigation techniques (please see below) can be employed to understand ground conditions.
Our experienced teams tailor investigations to each specific site to ensure that all relevant geotechnical and chemical is information is collated to appropriately assess a site.
Our experienced and proactive nature dictates that however challenging the logistics or tight the time scales we can consistently deliver cost-effective projects to a high standard.
Our range of site investigation services include:
- Trial pitting
- Rotary boreholes
- Dynamic probes
- Window sample boreholes
- Cable percussion boreholes